(W) Kazuhisa Kondo (A/CA) Kazuhisa Kondo
by Kazuhisa Kondo
The official manga adaptation of the classic mecha anime! In the future, overpopulation drives the inhabitants of Earth to live in colonies in outer space, until the Duchy of Zeon, a militant colonial group, declares independence from Earth. In a devastating civil war, Zeon's army of Zaku mobile suits is the deciding weapon... that is, until Amuro Rey, a young electronics wizard, inherits his father's top-secret invention, Mobile Suit Gundam. But can one civilian protect the people of White Base, a space colony inhabited by thousands? This volume re-engineers the monthly comics
Mobile Suit Gundam 0079 Part 1 #8 through Part 2 #5.
SC, 5x8, 176pg, b&w
In Shops: N/A
SRP: $15.95
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