(W) Rock Baker, Mark G. Heike, Stephanie Heike, Mark Holmes, Bill Black (A) Rock Baker, Riccardo Dessini, Jeff Austin, Scott Shriver, Toni Doya, Mark Dail (CA) Will Meugniot, Paolo Bodini
As the FF clear the LA streets of Cianose Djab's zombie hordes, vampire queen Wampyr decides she must act before our heroines can uncover her plan for world domination. Plus, solo stories starring Synn, Tara back in her college days, and She-Cat encountering a pair of faces from the past. Ships with two covers: the Will Meugniot Wampyr-Vampire Queen cover and the She-Cat and Nightveil painted design by Paolo Bodini.
In Shops: Dec 10, 2014
SRP: $9.95
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