From Kadokawa ASCII. A figure featuring LLENN clad in a dress based on an illustration drawn by the light novel series illustrator Kouhaku Kuroboshi is here to celebrate the broadcast of Sword Art Online Alternative: Gun Gale Online II! Based on the model created by SAYORI, which won the Dengeki Prize in the Dengeki Bunko x KDcolle Modeling Awards, this figure will be available in 1/7 scale! It captures the unique silhouette of the frills and her dainty body line, and has been painted to create a figure of LLENN that is even cuter than what was seen at the contest. Enjoy this figure of LLENN in a pink dress that makes her look a little more mature than usual. The LLENN Light Novel Edition Swimsuit Ver. figure is also available with the same pose but with a different outfit and expression. A dual-figure set is also available, so be sure to check it out, too!
In Shops: Dec 17, 2025
Final Orders Due: Jan 27, 2025
SRP: $149.99