(W) Diogo Nogueira, Panayiotis Lines, Aled Lawlor (A) Francesco Silva, Aled Lawlor
In the desolate wasteland known as gehenna, an enigmatic phenomenon unfolds-the chimerid meteor shower. Each chimerid meteor carries a resource of unprecedented power known as chimerium, capable of reshaping organic matter and serving as a potent energy source. Various factions, including the relentless trash locusts, the ruthless Bolza Corporation, and the bizarre Chimerium Cult, have descended upon Gehenna to lay claim to chimerium for their own purposes. Your salvage crew has ventured into this hazardous zone, facing stiff competition, the risk of mutagenic exposure, and environmental threats. Will your crew make it out alive?
In Shops: Nov 20, 2024
SRP: $32.00