Shin Megami Tensei - The Roleplaying Game: Tokyo Conception is a deep yet accessible TTRPG for 3-5 players + 1 GM that perfectly captures themes of the original
Shin Megami Tensei video game series, allowing players to wield familiar spells such as Agi and Megido against legendary demons like Jack Frost, Metatron, and the Moirae Sisters. Tokyo Conception further preserves the franchise's essence by incorporating staple elements such as demon negotiation, the Affinity system, and punishing status ailments like Poison and Stun while also introducing more typical TTRPG mechanics such as critical hits, fumbles, and exploding dice, to ensure encounters are both challenging and rewarding.
Tokyo Conception is based on the world of
Shin Megami Tensei III Nocturne. The game designers have recreated every region with great attention to detail. The book offers nearly 100 pages of stats for every demon, including bosses like Ahriman, Baal Avatar, Noah, and Kagutsuchi itself, and plenty of seeds for brand-new adventures. For video game enthusiasts who enjoy Japanese RPGs and are interested in exploring the world of tabletop roleplaying games,
Tokyo Conception is an excellent starting point, as no prior knowledge of the
Shin Megami Tensei franchise is needed to enjoy the game.
In Shops: Apr 02, 2025
SRP: $49.99