From Kotobukiya. Embark on a mecha-building adventure with the HEXA GEAR series, known for its sturdy hexagonal joints of the HEXA G-R.A.M System, enabling users to create unique mecha designs. The groundbreaking RAYBLADE IMPULSE Reloaded takes the series to new heights, introducing two 230 mm-long movable effect parts for the high-spec Rayblade weapons. This model features a motorcycle-style cockpit for a Governor (sold separately), convertible Zoatex Mode to a trike in Vehicle Mode, and extended handlebars and seats for tandem rides. The large Rayblade units, with four connection joints at the base, offer exceptional poseability, and the model's compatibility with the HEXA G-R.A.M System and standard connection points allows for customization with other HEXA GEAR and Kotobukiya original series parts. The inclusion of clear blue 230 mm-long effect parts and seven stylish wheels further enhances the model's visual appeal. This limited Collector's Edition comes with an archive card, making it a must-have for mecha enthusiasts and collectors alike.
In Shops: Jul 31, 2024
SRP: $97.99