From Medicos. From the TV anime The Demon Girl Next Door 2, "Shadow Mistress Yuko," affectionately known as Shamiko, makes her debut in a stunning wedding ensemble! To celebrate the 10th anniversary of the original manga and the 5th anniversary of the anime, this figure features a brand-new illustration by J.C.STAFF, based on an outfit designed by the original creator, Izumo Ito. The voluminous frills are beautifully sculpted to convey movement and a glossy sheen, while the intricate details on the bodice have been meticulously crafted. Semi-transparent frills add a soft, adorable charm, and clear parts are used for the veil, creating a sheer effect that highlights Shamiko's braided hairstyle at the back. Every detail has been carefully considered-from the sparkling jewel at her neck to the delicate ribbons, lace on her thigh-high stockings, and the bouquet's vibrant flowers-all combining to create a radiant and elegant atmosphere. The base, designed to match Momo's, is adorned with iconic motifs from The Demon Girl Next Door, such as the "Gosen Statue," "Metako," and "Tamasakura-chan," all lavishly highlighted in gold.
In Shops: Nov 26, 2025
SRP: $185.99