Comic Book Creator features a career-spanning and downright philosophical discussion with Steve "The Dude" Rude, the Eisner Award-winning artist who got his start back in 1981 as co-creator of intergalactic executioner Nexus. The "eternal art student" (heavily influenced by Jack Kirby, Alex Toth, Russ Manning, and legendary art instructor Andrew Loomis) shares his real-life psychological struggles, the challenges of freelance subsistence, and his creative aspirations. Also: The jungle art of Neal Adams (whose artistry has graced many a
Tarzan cover)! Cartoonist Mary Fleener talks about her forthcoming graphic novel Billie the Bee and her comix career! Part Three of Michael Aushenker's enormous Rich Buckler interview!
In Shops: Oct 10, 2018
SRP: $9.95
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