(W) Mark Waid, Dean Haspiel (A) Dean Haspiel (CA) Robert Hack
The FOX HUNT reaches its cataclysmic conclusion with the biggest brawl in Dark Circle history! "Fox Hunt, Part 5": The Fox and She-Fox have invaded Mr. Smile's evil headquarters and are on the attack against the final five deadly villains that stand between them and their son! As parents do battle for the fate of their son, blood, sweat tears and money are on the line-but the freak magnet and his super family are far from finished! This arc may be ending, but the Fox's adventures continue on-if he can survive the final showdown with the dreaded IRON FOX! Featuring story, art and covers from the biggest names in comics, including variant art from Robert Hack, David Mack, Eli Powell and Bill Sienkiewicz! Plot: Dean Haspiel Script: Mark Waid Art: Dean Haspiel, John Workman &Allen Passalaqua The Fox #5 CVR A Reg: Dean Haspiel The Fox #5 CVR B Variant: Robert Hack
The Fox #5 CVR C Variant: David Mack The Fox #5 CVR D Variant: Eli Powell
The Fox #5 CVR E Variant: Bill Sienkiewicz
In Shops: Aug 05, 2015
SRP: $3.99
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