(W) Varric Tethras, Mary Kirby (CA) E.M. Gist
This in-world novel follows the adventures of Donnen Brennokovic, a weathered and weary city guradsman who finds himself paired a fresh-faced recruit. When the mismatched pair discover a dead magistrate bleeding out on the flagstones, they're caught up in a clash between a shadowy organization known only as the Executors and a secretive group of Chantry agents-all over some ancient artifact. Prolific dwarven author and heroic companion of the Dragon Age games, Varric Tethras brings us the collected edition of his breakthrough crime-noir drama, Hard in Hightown (with help from his trusted human confidante, Mary Kirby)! This volume is beautifully illustrated by Stefano Martino, Álvaro Sarraseca, Andres Ponce, and German Ponce, with a painted cover by E.M. Gist!
In Shops: Aug 01, 2018
SRP: $19.99
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