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(W) Arvid Nelson (A) Lui Antonio (CA) Joe Jusko, Lucio Parrillo
(W) Arvid Nelson (A) Lui Antonio
(C) Lucio Parrillo (50%), Joe Jusko (50%), Stephen Sadowski (1-in-15)
Dejah Thoris has proclaimed her love for John Carter, but the despicable Warlord of Zodanga has forced her to promise she will marry the Zondangan prince. A Martian woman may not back out of such a pledge, and she may not marry her husband-to-be's killer. John Carter will need an army to change things now. If he can help Tars Tarkas seize control of the Tharks, he might have just that -- but Zodanga's not going down without a fight!
In Shops: Jul 20, 2011
SRP: $3.99
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