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(W) Timothy Truman (A) Tomas Giorello, Paul Lee (CA) Cary Nord
Timothy Truman (W), Tom s Giorello (A), Jos Villarrubia (C), and Cary Nord (Cover)

On sale May 19
FC, 40 pages

A new arc opens, and our next Robert E. Howard story adaptation begins! With Conan barely having enough time to get his brain and body in gear after surviving the Ilbars Massacre, he comes across Shah Amurath in the wetlands near the Vilayet Sea. After running into the shah and a fugitive slave, Conan embarks on his next quest: laying low on a remote island until the military heat in the region is off of him. However, the gods tend to enjoy putting Conan in precarious situations, and our beloved barbarian is soon enmeshed in pirate politics and a centuries-old mystery! Just how did those huge iron statues get to this island in the Vilayet Sea, what happens to the island at night, and what strange beast is stalking Conan and his new friend, Olivia?

In Shops: Jul 14, 2010
SRP: $2.99
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