by Various
"Monster Madness" (by John Albano & Stan Goldberg): When Riverdale's
female population learns a psychic has predicted an "ugly" future for Archie,
there's no time like the present to avoid him! But what if the psychic isn't
playing with a full deck of tarot
cards? "Good Ol' Daze" (by Mike Pellowski & Stan Goldberg): When
Archie compares his dad's past to his own present, he learns the good old days
weren't bad at all! "Wherefore Art" (by Craig Boldman & Stan Goldberg): Art
is in the eye of the beholder... and Archie is beholding an awfully angry Mr.
Lodge when he switches his amateur dabblings with a recent Lodge acquisition!
"Service With A Smile" (by Greg Crosby & Stan Goldberg): Archie's engine
revs as he fixes his pretty new
neighbor's car... and soon stalls out when he learns its really her
boyfriend's! FC, 32pg