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(W) Edgar Powers (A) Glass House Graphics
It's almost time for Celebrate the World Day at Sunnyview Elementary, and the superpets can't wait to learn all about cultures and traditions from around the globe. And to taste all the delicious international cuisine! But for Whiskerface, leader of the ratpack and sworn enemy of the superpets, it seems like the perfect opportunity to try and take over the world...or at least the school! Knowing how hard all the students and teachers worked on the special celebration, the superpets vow to stop Whiskerface and come up with their most exciting and complex plan to date. But will their plan work? Available in softcover and hardcover editions.
In Shops: Aug 25, 2021
SRP: $9.99
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Your guide to the latest comics releases on January 29th. Discover the best new comics that are beginner-friendly and easy to jump into with our must-read recommendations for this week.

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