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(W) Dave Sim, Benjamin Hobbs, Sandeep Atwal (A) Dave Sim, Gustave Dore (CA) Benjamin Hobbs
"Cash On Delivery Penis in Every Canadian Expresspost"; Super Cerebus hoaxes Satan; Cerebus appoints the Whore of Babylon Governor of the Bank of Canada; Electric cars a city-block long made of woven hemp powered by wind turbines on the roof; million-dollar banknotes; Francis suspects Super-Cerebus of being as "gay as the song the fairies sing"; "Foresworn & Sven Yeargan, Gol"; the computers are eating our pens; Count Ugolino and his sons and grandsons starve to death; "Bohemian Rhapsody" "on-hold" music; what it means when a Muslim calls you a "whore"; The 31 Gender Pronouns; "We're All Doomed"; The Whore of Babylon vs. Virgil;
Clinton Supporters of the Damned.
In Shops: Aug 29, 2018
SRP: $4.00
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