Welcome to the world of Disney's acclaimed animated film
Zootopia with these action figure character packs! Choose from
Clawhauser/Bat Eyewitness (Clawhauser: 3" tall, Bat Eyewitness: 1" tall),
Judy Hopps/Assistant Mayor Bellwether (Judy: 3" tall, Bellwether: 2 1/2" tall),
Koslov/Mr. Big,
Mayor Lionheart/Lemming (Lionheart: 3 1/2" tall, Lemming: 1" tall),
McHorn/Safety Squirrel (McHorn: 4 1/2" tall, Safety Squirrel: 1" tall), or
Nick Wilde/Finnick (Nick: 2 1/2" tall, Finnick: 1 1/2" tall). Collect the entire herd!
In Shops: May 11, 2016