This third installment of the popular series features our favorite Hillbillies, Bo (Bo Keister), Cephus (Scott Geiter), and Smokin' Hot Cousin Lulu (Rachel Faulkner) introducing four truly creepy short films:
Get Off My Porch, directed by Patrick Rea, is about a man harrassed by two devilish girl scouts. It's cookie-selling time, and these girls won't take no for an answer!
Divination, directed by JT Seaton, tells the story of a fake psychic who has been performing bogus seances for years. One night, a young woman comes in for a reading... but she's there for
another reason.
Follow, directed by Kyle Hytonen, takes us along on a young couple's idyllic summer camping trip-From Hell! Finally,
Modern Grumble is an odd coming-of-age tale directed by Toby Venable. Could this young monster also be a messiah?
In Shops: Jul 29, 2015
SRP: $9.95