Special Animation Issue! See what's new for the WB
Batman animated series, and more! The longest-running magazine in comics is reloaded for a new generation, with the largest monthly price guide in comics, featuring prices for tens of thousands of comic books including actual prices realized for CGC-graded comics, updated monthly.
CBG also helps you keep tabs on the markets for HeroClix, original art, and other comics memorabilia with accurate prices and insightful analysis. In addition to features about cutting-edge comics, super-hero movies, manga, and anime,
CBG has more reviews than any other magazine. And, of course, it wouldn't be
CBG without the strongest lineup of opinion columns in comics - with Peter David, John Jackson Miller, Tony Isabella, Maggie Thompson, Craig "Mr. Silver Age" Shutt, Andrew "Captain Comics" Smith, and plenty of surprise guests. (Krause Publications)
Magazine, PC
In Shops: Aug 04, 2004
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