From Plum. From Piromizu's renowned work "She Laughs Shy...I Feel Ashamed (Hanikami, Kanojo wa Koi wo Suru)", emerges the highly anticipated figure of Kureha High School's gifted student council president, "Tsuduri Amagasa," adorned in a swimsuit. The summer heat and newfound liberation have amplified her inherent boldness. Seeking your assistance, she clutches a sunscreen bottle in one hand, strategically keeping the other arm close to avert any wardrobe mishaps, all while donning an endearing blush. The complete set also features a bonus limited download card, offering the chance to enjoy the captivating voice of "Amagasa Tsuduri," brought to life by the popular voice actress "Shizuka Ito," in an exhilarating scenario.
In Shops: Jan 29, 2025
SRP: $189.99