The iconic Batman comic book series becomes a trading card set that goes Dark! Batman uncovers the Dark Multiverse, in the process unleashing the Dark Knights, seven evil versions of himself, including The Batman Who Laughs. Cryptozoic's first
CZPlus premium trading card release showcases new Brilliance Cards: cutting edge variants printed on foil substrate with different colors of Deco Foil and crash-numbering. Rare The Batman Who Laughs Brilliance Cards each have a unique black symbol and are one of a kind. In addition,
CZPlus Dark Nights: Metal features a 63-card Base Set with intense imagery from the comic books, four uniquely themed Chase Sets, one-of-one Sketch Cards, and randomly-inserted single, Dual, and Triple Autograph Cards with on-card signatures from fan-favorite writers, inkers, and illustrators.
In Shops: Dec 25, 2024