From Iron Studios. The young Marty McFly and his friend, Dr. Emmett Brown, newly arrived in the future year of 2015, wear special futuristic outfits to go unnoticed. They plan their next steps alongside their time-shifting vehicle, the iconic Delorean Time Machine, which floats over the base of a street in the town of Hill Valley in the future. The vehicle is faithfully replicated with all the details of the original, with cables, wires, and gadgets, full of internal and external lights, and even the so-called Mr. Fusion, which produces fuel from waste (preferably organic)! With a light in its unmistakable flux capacitor, wheels raised in flight position, the vehicle is supported by a side rod, similar to the one used in the movie scene. This diorama brings together all the nostalgia of the movie and the pop culture of the 1980s! This set includes the Delorean, Marty McFly, and Doc Brown statues from
Back to the Future II.
In Shops: Nov 29, 2023
SRP: $2,199.99