(W) Al Ewing, John Wagner, Pat Mills, Chris Burnham (A) Vv Glass, Mick McMahon, Kevin O'Neill, Chris Burnham (CA) Ian McQue
The Wait is over! The ultimate 2000 AD mix-tape has finally arrived! Best of 2000 AD is back - longer page-counts, more thrill-power - the essential gateway to the 'Galaxy's Greatest Comic'. In this BRAND-NEW Issue Zero primer for the highly anticipated quarterly graphic novels series: A-listers Al Ewing (The Immortal Hulk, We Only Find Them When They're Dead) and V.V. Glass (The Last Witch, Assassin's Creed) team up for a brand-new and exclusive Judge Dredd adventure! Plus, Nemesis The Warlock by Pat Mills and Kevin O'Neill (Marshall Law), Superbean by John Wagner (History of Violence) and Mick McMahon (Boba Fett), and a Future Shock at the ends of the earth from Batman Inc. and Die! Die! Die artist Chris Burnham! Featuring a cover by Star Wars concept art artist Ian McQue!
Exclusive Original Material
Rating: Teen (or Teen+)
In Shops: Apr 13, 2022
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