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From BNTCA. Catch 'em all with Nanoblock's Pokémon Collection! Choose from Entry Level kits of Articuno (3 3/8" tall, 170 pieces), Glaceon (1 7/8" tall, 160 pieces), Groudon (2 1/4" tall, 290 pieces), Gyardos (2 1/4" tall, 170 pieces), Ho-oh (2 7/8" tall, 183 pieces), Kyogre (2 7/8" tall, 260 pieces), Leafeon (1 7/8" tall, 140 pieces), Lugia (2 3/4" tall, 187 pieces), Mew (2 1/4" tall, 90 pieces), Mimikyu (3 1/8" tall, 200 pieces), Moltres (2 7/8" tall, 190 pieces), Pichu (1 3/4" tall, 100 pieces), Psyduck (2 1/4" tall, 130 pieces), Rayquaza (3 1/8" tall, 240 pieces), and Zapdos (2 3/4" tall, 240 pieces). These kits feature all the details one would expect and are fun and easy to build!
In Shops: Sep 11, 2024
SRP: $12.00
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