(W) Pat Shand (A/CA) Nahuel Lopez
Belladonna's Shield Maidens are thrown into chaos as the fate of their ship causes rifts in the sisterhood! Available with these sexy covers: Regular (and Nude), Viking Vixen (and Nude) by Lopez - Shield Maiden (and Nude and Adult) by Matt Martin - Bondage (and Nude)and Killer Body (and Nude) by Renato Camilo - Wraparound (and Nude) by Raulo Caceres - Lupine (and Nude and Adult), Beastly Adult (and Feral Adult and Adult Extreme) as well as Adult and Adult Extreme by Christian Zanier - lastly, a Fifty Shades Nude by Camilo that is limited to just 50 copies! To see the uncensored nude and adult covers, please visit www.boundlesscomics.com.
In Shops: Apr 18, 2018
SRP: $5.99
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