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Go, Doko, go! Doko is the first tradable-collectible for kids up to 14 years-old. Children can either find a Doko dropped off in a kid-friendly location, be given one, or purchase one. Each Doko is unique, and when registered on a computer the Doko opens a new world of fun, excitement, sharing, and trading! As a Doko is passed from one child to another, each child whose hands it passes through gains points until it's "retired" with a special value. But gaining and sharing points is only part of the Doko's value. Children can learn unique and interesting facts about where a Doko has been, and Doko encourages social networking in the 'tween set. As each child's Doko Reward Points grow, so do the size and value of the virtual and real rewards that can be redeemed. Doko is the first worldwide kids' currency built on the concept of collecting, trading, learning, networking, and rewarding in person and on the Internet.
In Shops: Apr 30, 2008
SRP: $6.99
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