(W) Dan Abnett, Ian Edginton (A) Tommy Castillo (CA) Imaginary Friends Studio
by Abnett, Edginton, Castillo, & Smith
Games Workshop's worldwide fantasy franchise comes to BOOM! Studios on the heels of the sold-out success of
Warhammer 40,000! Featuring a story from best-selling
Warhammer novelist Dan Abnett! From the wind-scoured North they've come: The Hordes Of Chaos, ruthless warriors raised in battle and fanatically devoted to their dark gods. On a hundred-mile front across the Northern fringes of the Empire, the defenses of man and his dwarf allies are crumbling, fear threatens to become panic, and the blood of martyrs runs ankle-deep. Here begins the hopeless quest of a ramshackle band led by a mere Greatsword Sergeant - if, of course, they don't kill each other first! Ships with A and B covers, as well as a 1-in-25 variant.
In Shops: Apr 25, 2007
SRP: $2.99
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