It's all about the "Bots" as
AFM ratchets things up by giving you a component-by-component look at your favorite metallic model monstrosities from the silver screen and beyond. First up is an extensive build on everyone's favorite Nickel-plated Nincompoop, Moebius Models' "B-9 Robot." Next, get ready to make the rounds with "Robby the Robot" and his custom made ride, "The Space Patrol Car." For all you Cowboys, beware of the steely-eyed glare of Creature Features' "Gunslinger" from "West World"! The "Mars Attacks" gang from Mantic Games is set to invade as a mini scaled diorama and they'll also be rolling out the Pegasus' "T-2" Hunter Killer Tank."
In Shops: Apr 26, 2017
SRP: $10.00
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