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(W) Sam Henderson (A/CA) Sam Henderson
by Sam Henderson
Publishers Weekly
calls Sam Henderson "truly one of the world's funniest cartoonists." His Magic Whistle series has been nominated every single year since 1999 for the Harvey Award for "Special Award for Humor," and Sam was nominated for an Emmy for his writing for SpongeBob SquarePants. Henderson's drawing is intentionally crude, but it has the same kind of energy you see in the work of today's best gag cartoonists. Extremely low-brow humor that almost parodies low-brow humor - it is enjoyable on either level. "Henderson's strips range from one-panel gags to frenetic five-page brouhahas, each containing a precise punchline that fastballs a pie in your face," raves Wizard Magazine.
In Shops: May 10, 2006
SRP: $11.95
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