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(W) Dan Jolley (P) Stefano Caselli (I) Barb Shulz (Cover) Stefano Caselli
FC, 32pp    Monthly ongoing series
In stores the week of April 2nd.
The Concept: Within our own universe lies another universe unbeknownst to us... until now.  The realm of the MICRONAUTS - a place ruled by evil tyrant, Baron Karza, whose scientific marvels offer his people immortality, at the cost of their humanity.  When unsuspecting, Ryan Archer is thrown into their world, we find that not only are things about to change, but Ryan will have much to do with it.
This Issue: Having defeated the bounty hunter Ordaal and taken his ship, the Sunreaver, the Micronauts try to rendezvous with a contact that will tell them what Baron Karza's next move is.  What they actually meet in the depths of outer space, however, stuns them all...  Featuring the judgement of Azura Nova and a shocking visitation by a Time Traveler, the Micronauts' saga continues in "Star Chamber."
In Shops: N/A
SRP: $2.95
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