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In Jack Kirby Collector #38, it's the topic so huge, it took two big tabloid issues to cover it! Jack Kirby: Storyteller is the follow-up to last issue, detailing more secrets of how to draw comics the Kirby way! Behind two never-published Kirby covers (colored by Jack himself), you'll see: Kirby swipes, the evolution of the Human Torch and the Thing, and enough squiggles, crackle, explosions, and gizmos to make your head spin! Plus, master inker Joe Sinnott talks about how to ink the King! You'll spend an afternoon with the Kirbys (where you'll hear from Jack Davis, Roy Thomas, Paul Gulacy, the Hernandez Bros., and others on the King's work)! And don't miss regular columnists Mark Evanier and Adam Mcgovern, and the most amazing Kirby art gallery you've ever seen!
    Tabloid, 80pg, b&w
In Shops: May 07, 2003
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Your guide to the latest comics releases on January 29th. Discover the best new comics that are beginner-friendly and easy to jump into with our must-read recommendations for this week.

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