From Kotobukiya. From GIRLS BAND CRY, the original anime by Toei Animation, comes the delightful figure lineup of TOGENASHI TOGEARI, featuring Tomo as the keyboardist! Inspired by illustrations by Teshima nari, Tomo is depicted in her stage outfit from the MV of the opening song, "Wrong World." This figure captures her adorable appearance perfectly, showcasing her tsundere character as she raises her skirt in a curtsy while gazing in this direction. The frilly skirt features a pearl coating that enhances its light and fluffy texture. A clear acrylic base allows for a beautiful display of all the band members together, enabling fans to recreate iconic illustrations or mix and match their favorites. Stay tuned for the development of the other four members and their future activities!
In Shops: Jul 30, 2025
SRP: $189.99