From Good Smile Company. Straight from the whimsical world of "Nichijou," the popular manga and anime series, comes an enchanting Nendoroid figure of Mio Naganohara. This Nendoroid figure has received the creator's stamp of approval, Keiichi Arawi himself. Mio's unique character is brilliantly captured through an array of facial expressions, including her signature laughing face, an adorable blushing expression, a comically panicked face, and a heartwarming crying face. Moreover, you can equip Mio with a 1000 yen note, a bag, and even set her up at a desk with a chair, allowing you to recreate your favorite moments from the series. This Nendoroid is not just a figure; it's an invitation to relive the humorous and heartwarming world of "Nichijou" right in your collection.
In Shops: Jul 31, 2024
SRP: $41.99