From Kotobukiya. From the popular anime series "Attack on Titan," the main character of the series, Eren Yeager, joins the ARTFX J lineup in an all-new renewal package variant! The figure is sculpted in a dynamic pose that evokes the image of a battle in the forest! Eren can be seen with his ultrahard blade high in the air, recreating the very moment as he slashes at a Titan! His vertical maneuvering equipment has also been sculpted in such fine detail that each component of the maneuvering equipment does not lose any essence of its machine-like look. In addition, every element of the large tree that serves as the base of the figure has also been finely sculpted: from the patterns of the bark to slash marks left across the trunk itself. This figure features a removable cape, so it is possible to display this figure in two different styles.
In Shops: Jul 31, 2024
SRP: $139.99