From Star Ace Toys. One of the most memorable and beloved characters in the Harry Potter series is the seemingly "looney" Luna Lovegood, whose wisdom is sometimes hidden behind her eccentric demeanor! This 1/6-scale figure of young Luna features her casual wear costume, and includes her Spectrespecs, issues of the
Quibbler, dirigible plum earrings, Butterbeer cork necklace, and Polyjuice potion vial! Luna stands approximately 10 1/4" tall with 30 points of articulation that includes a fully realized authentic likeness of Luna Lovegood from the movie
Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix! With accurate facial expression, sewn hair style and detailed skin texture, each head sculpt is specially hand-painted with rooted hair.
In Shops: Dec 11, 2019
SRP: $198.99
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