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(A) Jamie Keddie (CA) Denis Martynets
In Atari's Centipede, players venture into the world of the classic Atari arcade game. The forest-exploring Gnome attempts to defeat the Centipede by performing actions, while the Centipede, eager to destroy the Gnome by spawning fleas, spiders, and mushrooms, must wiggle its way to the other end of the board.
2 or 4 players o Playable from ages 12+ o 30-45 minutes
As the Gnome, players roll and spend dice to perform actions.
As the Centipede, players try to control the game board by spawning fleas, spiders, and mushrooms.
Official tabletop version of the classic version arcade game.
In Shops: Oct 11, 2017
SRP: $39.99
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