From Banpresto. As one of the most sought after treasures of the hit anime series One Piece, Devil Fruits grant unique powers to whomever eats them. This figure collection of the coveted consumables celebrates its popularity in two special four piece sets. The first set includes Luffy's Gum-Gum Fruit, Ace's Flame-Flame Fruit, Buggy's Chop-Chop Fruit, and Blackbeard's Dark-Dark Fruit. The second set includes the Gum-Gum and Flame-Flame fruits, and also feature Law's Op-Op Fruit and Kaku's Ox-Ox Fruit, Model: Giraffe. With the fruits at approximately 2" tall, each set of four is packed in a collector's gift tray display box. Why settle for just one when you can own them all?
In Shops: Apr 19, 2017
SRP: $25.00