Starlog celebrates 25 years of publication with this gala,
100-page edition! Get a look at TV's Star Trek: Voyager and Xena,
as both series near the end; Steven Spielberg and Stanley Kubrick's A.I.;
Tim Burton's Planet of the Apes; and Disney's Atlantis. Also
includes an advance look at Peter Jackson's The Lord of the Rings: Book
One, the first film in the trilogy, and the two video game blockbusters to
become movies this summer, Tomb Raider and Final Fantasy. And, a
pair of the most important people in science fiction -- never before interviewed
by Starlog -- share their thoughts on its creation, plus, the magazine's
three editors -- David Houston (1976-77), Howard Zimmerman (1977-1985), and
David McDonnell (1985-present) -- offer memoirs, as humorously illuminated by
Starlog's cartoonists.