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The First-Ever Buffy & Angel Event Begins in Hellmouth #1

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Cover A - Jenny Frison (AUG191366)

BOOM! Studios today unveiled a first look at Buffy the Vampire Slayer: Hellmouth #1, in partnership with 20th Century Fox. The five-issue series from writers Jordie Bellaire (Buffy the Vampire Slayer) and Jeremy Lambert (Doom Patrol) and artist Eleonora Carlini (Saban’s Go Go Power Rangers) brings Buffy and Angel face to face in the world-ending event hundreds of years in the making—the opening of the Hellmouth!

From beneath you, it devours...Buffy and the Scoobies will have to learn to trust each other again as they race to close the Hellmouth before whatever evil living there can be unleashed on, first, Sunnydale, and then, the world. Meanwhile, Angel, the vampire cursed with a soul, arrives in town to seek his redemption by doing whatever it takes to destroy the path to Hell...and no human, demon, or Slayer will stand in his way.

HELLMOUTH #1 features a main cover by fan favorite artist Jenny Frison (Wonder Woman), along with variant cover by acclaimed illustrator and movie poster artist Kyle Lambert (Stranger Things), as well as a variant cover by artists Kelly & Nichole Matthews (R.L. Stine’s Just Beyond) that connects to ANGEL #5 and BUFFY THE VAMPIRE SLAYER #8!

Print copies of Buffy the Vampire Slayer: Hellmouth #1 (AUG191366) will be available for sale on October 9, 2019 at your local comic shop!

For continuing news on HELLMOUTH and more from BOOM! Studios, stay tuned to and follow @boomstudios on Twitter. And follow Buffy the Vampire Slayer on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.

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Cover B - Kyle Lambert Variant
Cover C - Kelly Matthews
Connecting Variant (AUG191368)

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