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Ramping Up Robotech

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Robotech #17 (DEC182079) begins a new chapter in Titan's radical reimagining of the classic sci- fi anime franchise, starting the countdown to an all-new comics event! As a cast of beloved characters are torn apart by betrayal, can anyone escape the oncoming Event Horizon?

Simon Furman, legendary Transformers writer and creator of Death's Head, lays out what readers can look forward to — and why Robotech fans have learned to expect the unexpected.


Titan Comics: Were you a Robotech fan before you started work on this comic?

Simon Furman: I encountered Robotech in the 80s, via patchy, short-lived UK video releases. We'd had little exposure to Japanese anime, and I was blown away. I was too old for Transformers, but Robotech felt like proper all-ages storytelling.  It was one big episodic story, a rarity for animated TV at the time, and while some elements seemed barmy to my 'western ' eyes, it dealt with actual relationships alongside mecha action, and wasn 't afraid to wipe out core characters.

Titan Comics: What is your favorite aspect of Robotech as a series?

Simon Furman: I was always impressed that the Bridge Crew of the SDF-1 was largely female, and the series later gave great prominence to Zentraedi women like Azonia and Miriya. The narrowed gender gap felt mature. So I tend to lean on characters like Lisa, Claudia, and Miriya, and the decision to bump off Gloval and make Lisa captain really played into what I wanted to do with the series. I' m sorry to say I always found Minmei rather annoying in the animated series (those songs!), but we've been able to paint her with a different brush for the comic.

Titan Comics: How do you balance new twists with respect for classic material?

Simon Furman: I like to think that the comic keeps the spirit and general pace of the show, while never feeling bound by it. Fans of Robotech kind of know what to expect...but we keep throwing curveballs in there. The great thing is, of course, we can draw on the entirety of Robotech – even beyond the core series, into the other fiction and incarnations.  I've always got an eye on the bigger picture here, in as much as our continuity is somewhat unique and less bound by steady, linear progression – we' re already bringing in elements of Masters and the New Generation, and that's only going to increase as we progress into The Event.

I think the switch that has helped us most is that Gloval dies and Roy survives. It's given us so many more great dynamics and plot avenues to pursue.

Titan Comics: How have fans responded to this fresh take on a beloved series?

Simon Furman: Positively, I think! I listen to the monthly Roboskull Cast Podcast – have a listen, it's a really entertaining half hour or so - and the uber-fans there review and dissect the comic to the nth degree. I think they like what we're doing, and they get that we love the original series. They pick up on absolutely every little easter egg I throw in there! But we blindside them by avoiding certain expected beats and tweaking others, which certainly gives them lots to chat about! I hope their enthusiasm is mirrored in the larger fan community out there. Those I've talked to — in person at conventions, or over social media — certainly seem to like it.

Titan Comics: How is Hendry Prasetya doing in his second full arc as artist?

Simon Furman: Marco Turini was a hard act to follow, but Hendry's picked up that baton and run with it, supplying the same crisp, detailed look with even more dynamism, impact and energy. Wherever possible, I try and play to his strengths with dramatic fights and outer space dogfighting. His first issue had shots of Miriya that completely blew me away, but now that wow factor is becoming commonplace — everything I throw at him comes back better than I envisioned.

Titan Comics: What upcoming in this arc?

Simon Furman: The next arc (#17-20) covers a lot of ground. It's the (partial) conclusion to the Dolza/Zentraedi/Earth war, and resolves big stuff we've been building up. Minmei comes to the fore, and there are huge changes for the Zentraedi, especially Breetai and Miriya. Plus apocalyptic action as Dolza's forces siege Earth!

And issue by issue, we're getting closer to ... The Event. Because after we've battered you in this arc, we're rolling straight into a truly huge storyline that impacts on everything moving forwards, and touches on every facet of the larger Robotech universe. If you think we've been bold so far, you won't believe what's coming next. For Robotech fans it'll be a lot of dreams come true. And trust me, after this even the diehard won't know what to expect.

Titan Comics: Any words for Robotech fans, or newcomers to the series?

Simon Furman: Thanks to the ever-present Story So Far in each issue, anytime is good to jump onboard - but this arc lays groundwork for the next phase of the series. If you're a reader looking to be blown away by mature, action-packed sci-fi, this is the perfect moment to join the fun. And if you're a fan already, we're not holding back — you can look forward to seeing some super crowd pleasers from across the whole franchise.

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