AfterShock Comics Returns to Baltimore Comic-Con
Sep 18, 2018
AfterShock Comics returns to Charm City for the 2018 Baltimore Comic-Con, September 28-30, with lots of exclusive content and opportunities for comics enthusiasts.
Represented on-site by Publisher and Chief Creative Officer Joe Pruett, SVP of Sales and Marketing Steve Rotterdam, Retailer/Fan Relations Manager Lisa Y. Wu and other team members, AfterShock Comics will be located at Booth #2004 on the floor of the Baltimore Convention Center.
Special guest and renowned artist Shawn Martinbrough will also be on hand at AfterShock’s booth to sign the official Baltimore Comic-Con variant of The Lollipop Kids #1, written by Adam Glass and Aidan Glass, with an exclusive cover created by Shawn just for the convention.
Additional Baltimore Comic-Con exclusive variants include Beyonders #1, with cover by Rafael De Latorre, and The Lollipop Kids #1, with cover by Patrick Olliffe.
“We couldn’t be more excited to be back in Baltimore to connect with fans and friends, introduce exclusive content and take people behind the scenes on some of our biggest titles and upcoming projects,” said Steve Rotterdam. “Baltimore Comic-Con is always a blast, and this year will be no different.”
On Sunday, September 30, from 12:15 pm - 1:15 pm in Room 343-344, AfterShock will present a behind-the-scenes panel entitled Shaking Things Up – The Latest Rumblings from AfterShock Comics. Attendees will get a sneak peek at the stories and projects that are shattering expectations among comics fans and building industry-wide anticipation now and for the foreseeable future.
Fans will also have a rare opportunity to get their hands on an even rarer AfterShock Mystery Box, a guaranteed value of close to $200, for only $75.