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New Power Ranger Sentries Debut In Mighty Morphin Power Rangers #13

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Tyrannosaurus Sentry

BOOM! Studios and Saban Brands are proud to debut three new Power Rangers Sentries in Mighty Morphin Power Rangers #13 (JAN171403), the latest issue of their best-selling comic book series. The issue went on sale March 15 in comic book shops.

Following the debut of the Mastodon Sentries in issue #11, this issue features the Tyrannosaurus Sentries, Sabertooth Sentries, and Pterodactyl Sentries, troopers molded after the original Mighty Morphin Power Rangers and under the command of Lord Drakkon on an alternate timeline Earth. In the story, Tommy Oliver and Billy Cranston have been transported to that universe, in which Lord Drakkon—the Tommy Oliver of this timeline—and Rita Repulsa have conquered the planet. In eluding capture by the Sentries and trying to find their way back to their own world, the pair find allies with an underground resistance called The Coinless.

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Pterodactyl Sentry

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Sabertooth Sentry

Power Ranger Sentry Designs by Jamal Cambell and Saban Brands 

Mighty Morphin Power Rangers #13 is written by Kyle Higgins and illustrated by Hendry Prasetya. The Sentries were designed by MMPR cover artist Jamal Campbell and Saban Brands.

In addition, issue #13 features the first installment of Ryan Ferrier (Kennel Block Blues) and Bachan's (Bill & Ted Save the Universe) story, "The Ongoing Misadventures of Squatt & Baboo," starring the two bumbling henchmen of Rita Repulsa. The story will run in two-page installments until issue #24.

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Mighty Morphin Power Rangers is an ongoing comic book series published monthly by BOOM! Studios. 

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