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Hermes Press Announces Artist For Phantom Series

Article Image d249Hermes Press announces artist Sean Joyce as the artist for their new Phantom mini-series.

Coming this summer The Phantom will be back for an all-new adventure, and veteran artist Sean Joyce joins the Hermes Press team as he pens a thrilling new mini-series, written by famous comics historian and writer Ron Goulart.

When Joyce was asked about diving back into comic books, and what it was like working on a project with history like The Phantom, the artist replied "As I said I have always wanted to work on a comic or as a comic artist, so it is great to be poised and engaged in doing so on the Phantom comics."
He then added, "And the Phantom is great as a character to work with, because of his history and that he has no super powers. Standing on his intense physical, instinctive, charismatic, and even mystical aspects of his being to prevail in his adventures is his appeal."

Sean has also designed the limited edition cover for Peter David and Sal Velluto's The Phantom graphic novel, coming to PREVIEWS in June 2016.

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