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The Awe-Inspiring Art of Alfredo Alcala

Article Image d01fHow well do you know your comic book history? In particular, how well do you know the circumstances surrounding the emergence of the great ones like Jack Kirby, or Bernie Wrightson? And if you had to probe deeper, what do you know about the group of Filipino illustrators in the 60s that took the American comic book industry by surprise? It's worth noting that Alfredo Alcala was the man who stood out in the crowd when that group of new illustrators started working in American comics. His compositions gave new life to characters like Conan the Barbarian and Batman, and it's not a stretch to say that Alcala's work is responsible for inspiring many comic artists in the years to follow.

In the book The Art of Alfredo Alcala: Secret Teachings of a Comic Book Master (AUG151941), you'll read insightful interviews about how Alcala's techniques allowed him to accomplish so much in black and white drawings. The book also includes over a dozen pages showing off his groundbreaking masterwork Voltar, epic in its narrative art, and a milestone in sequential art illustration.

The Art of Alfredo Alcala: Secret Teachings of a Comic Book Master (AUG151941) is in comic shops November 25!

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