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The Department of Monsterology Explores the World One Monster at a Time!

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Investigating the dark and unexplored corners of our world, one monster at a time. Don't miss out on this globe hopping trip around the world as the Department of Monsterology discovers what lurks in the dark.

The first story arc introduces us to ancient monsters from the depths of the ocean, undead armies from the sands of Egypt, and the Department's deadliest rivals of all.

PREVIEWSworld had a chance to ask writer Gordon Rennie and artist P.J. Holden about their new trade Department of Monsterology TP Vol. 1 (AUG141645) from Renegade Arts Entertainment.


Congratulations on a great comic series. What can you tell us about the new strip that will be part of the trade paperback release?

Gordon Rennie: It's called The Trouble With Harry, and fills in some of the background of Harry Wilmignton, who's probably the series' most instantly notable character. Jumping between the present day and the 1920s, we'll see some of what he was like before he became a brain-in-a-jar, and where his mechanical suit body came from. We'll also see what the Department field expeditions were like in the 1920s.

PREVIEWSworld: With Monsterology ensured 5 more graphic novels at least, have you already worked out the storyline that far ahead?

Gordon Rennie:
I know where some of the storylines are going. Others will no doubt unravel or reveal themselves to me as the story progresses, which is always part of the fun and challenge of writing.

PREVIEWSworld: What does it mean to you knowing that you've got at least 5 years of Dept. of Monsterology to draw?

P.J. Holden: It means my run of luck continues! It’s just great to know that I’m going to be drawing stuff I love doing for five solid years. And hopefully a lot longer than that! Dept of Monsterology is about the best thing I could ask to be doing, Gordon writes some great, fun scripts, Steve Denton’s colours are just fab and Jim Campbell’s lettering is subtly perfect - except when we need it to be loud and exciting and he delivers that in spades.

PREVIEWSworld: Knowing how much PJ enjoys drawing hordes of monsters, will you be writing a lot more scenes with of as many monsters as PJ can fit on a page?

Gordon Rennie: Oh yes. "More monsters. LOTS more monsters."  That's the instruction his pages are usually sent back to him with.

PREVIEWSworld: Are there any particular creatures or mythical characters that you are looking forward to drawing in the Monsterology universe?

P.J. Holden: I’ve been pretty lucky so far, but yeah, there’s loads of things - I’m a big fan of the many, many great films of Ray Harryhausen and there’s a plethora of monsters to be mined there, and I’d love to tackle something with some scale (in terms of size rather than …er… scales). And maybe it’s time to start thinking of some non-humanoid shaped monsters too. And aliens. And ghosts. And robots and / or cyborgs, and …er.. that’ll probably do for the moment.

Check out some preview pages below and make sure to order Department of Monsterology TP Vol. 1 (AUG141645) now at your local comic shop!

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