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Kill Me Zoe! An Interview with Rachel Rising's Terry Moore

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First published in 2011, Terry Moore's epic comic Rachel Rising immediately drew interest from fans worldwide. The story was unique. A girl (Rachel), wakes up on a grave in the woods next to a freshly murdered body. She discovers that the body is in fact hers, and sets off on a quest to solve her own murder.

But Rachel Rising isn't just about Rachel. Running in a parallel story in the comics is Zoe, a 10 year old with an insatiable appetite for murder. Fans have taken not just to the series, but to Zoe; so Terry Moore decided to try see just how far fans would get to get their fifteen minutes of fame.

Moore announced the Kill Me Zoe! Contest, in which the winner will be drawn into a future issue of Rachel Rising as being murdered by Zoe! Fans must put the words RACHEL RISING on display to the public and send a photo to Moore himself. The details can be found here. The contest deadline is March 10th.

PREVIEWSworld spoke to Terry to ask him about the contest, the new story arc starting in  Rachel Rising #25 (FEB140871), and his upcoming trade paperback Rachel Rising Vol. 04: Winter Graves (FEB140872).


How did you come up with the idea for your "Kill Me Zoe" contest? How do you hope it will help raise awareness for Rachel Rising?

Terry Moore: I think I was inspired to do something because of all the fan activity on Twitter. The chatter and support I get from the fans there made me want to do something fun for them and I decided on a contest where the winner gets a walk on part in Rachel Rising. Then, instead of a trivia question kind of contest, I made it an activity thing. Whoever could get the name Rachel Rising out to the public in the most clever, broad-reaching fashion, won. I'm amazed at the ideas people have come up with. It's fascinating to see what they come up with and it helps get the series title out there.

Without giving it away, can you tease how you are going to have Zoe kill off the winner of the contest?

Terry Moore:
Brutally. That's all I can tell you. But it won't hurt a bit for the actual person. What actor doesn't want to have at least one great death scene in their career?

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PREVIEWSworld: You have your fourth Rachel Rising trade paperback, called Winter Graves, coming out this April. Tell us something from the TP that a new fan would find intriguing?

Terry Moore: Beautiful women do incredible things during a snow storm. How's that?

PREVIEWSworld: Rachel Rising #25 starts a new story arc for the series. Give us preview of what Rachel is up to next?

Terry Moore: With the whole Lilith drama put to rest, Rachel is going to be able to address her original problem aka who killed her? And after what Jet and Aunt Johnny have just been through, I don't think their lives will be very quiet either. What did Dr. Siemen implant in Johnny's brain? And Zoe has decided Rachel and Jet are her friends, so they have her to deal with. In many ways, the first 24 issues of Rachel Rising was simply putting the band together. Now we're ready to rock.

PREVIEWSworld: Finally, can you give us an update on what’s happening with the Rachel Rising television series with the Alcon Entertainment?

Terry Moore: I'm told things are going well and they're still very excited about the series. I saw a pilot script and now they do that Hollywood phone thing they do. Wish 'em luck.

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Check out the Kill Me Zoe Tumblr Page for submissions.

Terry Moore talked about Rachel Rising with PREVIEWSworld back at SDCC 2013!

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