From Kotobukiya. The latest Megami Device series model in collaboration with the anime Alice Gear Aegis Expansion features the original character Nodoka Takahata Shimon! Designed by Rikiya Okano with suit and gear contributions by Kanetake Ebikawa, this model boasts a complex color scheme and detailed part separation, making it easy to assemble without painting. Equipped with a wide array of weapons, including a rifle, two-handed sword, and unique gear parts, the model allows for diverse combat scene recreations. The kit features three pre-printed face parts, newly sculpted costume components, and deployable Bottoms Gear, complete with thrusters. The model can switch between "Armed Mode" and "Unarmed Mode" and is compatible with other model series parts. A NEW FLYING BASE and a bonus present code for in-game items are included as well.
In Shops: May 28, 2025
SRP: $139.99