From Apex. Apex's gorgeous new figures of Yume Minami and Rikka Takarada from the hit anime "Gridman Universe" are now available as a set! Each wears a short Chinese-style dress; Yume poses next to an ornated carved desk with a smile, while Rikka stands near a large flowering branch, smiling somewhat nervously. The floral-patterned white outfits showcase their curves, and each girl wears a white faux-fur stole that can be removed if you prefer. Their bases interlock, too! And as a special bonus, a pair of acrylic stands of the original illustration that inspired these figures is included with the first run! Order these two stunning girls for your own collection today!
In Shops: Feb 25, 2026
Final Orders Due: Jan 06, 2025
SRP: $348.99