Whether you're exploring the jungles of Chult, sailing through Saltmarsh, or navigating the frozen frontier of Icewind Dale, this
D&D Wilderness Kit will help you through it! It features an exclusive DM screen designed for adventuring in harsh wilderness, and includes tables for weather, foraging, navigation, food and water needs, ship speeds, and more. A Dry-erase hex map of 100 blank hexes, numbered for easy reference, and a dry-erase Journey Tracker is also included for tracking progress, encounters, supplies, and more. The included laminated "Actions in Combat" sheets allow a quick reference for new players to keep up with key
D&D rules for Wilderness Rules and Chases, Finally, illustrated punch-out cards cover all 14 environmental conditions, along with 9 cards to help track initiative, and 4 cards ocvering rules for exhaustion and extreme weather conditions. An illustrated card storage box is included.
In Shops: Dec 02, 2020
SRP: $24.95