(W) Lynn Johnston (A/CA) Lynn Johnston
No phone, no light, no motor car, not a single luxury-John and Phil's canoe trip turns them into castaways on an island! Once back in civilization, John solves his mid-life crisis by buying a sportscar, and Elly improbably winds up in front of a judge as a result! Michael enters junior high school, but not before learning a different sort of life lesson at summer camp with a girl named Martha, while Liz loses her first tooth, gets her ears pierced, and finds herself in a "Mean Girls" situation with her friends at school. Then it's wedding bells for Uncle Phil, and Lawrence moves back to town-with a new family of his own! Volume Three, which collects the complete daily and Sunday comics from July 6, 1986 through December 9, 1989, brings to a close the first decade of Lynn Johnston's modern masterwork, but of course, the story is just getting started...
In Shops: Jul 17, 2019
SRP: $49.99
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