More action and adventure in the future-shocked world of Judge Dredd! Mercenaries picks the wrong facility to storm in
Judge Dredd: The Carousel by Michael Carroll and Ben Willsher; the rescue party has a dose of psychotropics in
Blunt by T.C. Eglington and Boo Cook; it's a train ride to hell in a double-length episode of frontier thriller
Lawless by Dan Abnett and Phil Winslade; and there's full-on monster war in the penultimate chapter of
Realm of the Damned. Plus, in the bagged graphic novel this month, Ray and Finny have their own train to catch in
Sinister Dexter: Slow Train to Kal Cutter by Dan Abnett and Simon Davis!
In Shops: Sep 21, 2016
SRP: $12.60
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